large containers on a pallet in the center of the room with walls lined with shelves and smaller containers

We’ve recently expanded our waste management contract with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Our staff now support CDC in Fort Collins, Colorado. As part of this project, our employee owners ensure hazardous waste from laboratories and florescent and halogen light bulbs is managed, stored, and disposed of properly. 

For over 13 years our personnel have supported CDC’s waste management division. This new contract expands upon existing contracts with CDC facilities in Fort Collins, Puerto Rico, and Atlanta, Georgia. Our highly experienced teams have trained laboratory staff in handling hazardous waste materials, including spill clean-up and decontamination protocols. We also train CDC staff in satellite waste accumulation and CDC’s online waste ticketing system. In addition, our staff have received high praise from the client for their organization, efficient management, and safe handling of hazardous waste. 

A well organized shelf of containers and plastic bags

See More CSS Insights

Large-Scale Decontamination Proves Successful

In the spring of 2022, we worked with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the U.S. Coast Guard on a project called Analysis for Coastal Operational Resiliency-Wide Area Demonstration (WAD) which tests large scale decontamination following the release of surrogate bioagents. The team conducted a WAD at a military base in Virginia to test decontamination…

stream running through a wooded area

Developing a Stream Assessment Protocol 

CSS has been a significant contributor to the development and implementation of the Oregon Stream Function Assessment Method (SFAM) for more than 10 years. SFAM is a key component of the Oregon Stream Mitigation Program administered by the Oregon Department of State Lands.  The mitigation program is designed to address damage to aquatic resources caused…

Studying Mesophotic Coral Health

Mesophotic coral can live at depths of 500 feet below the ocean surface. Even at this depth, some of the mesophotic corals in the Gulf of Mexico were affected by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010. Our coral scientists supporting NOAA’s National Centers for Coastal Ocean Science are studying the extent of this impact.…